“Jantungku” Application, Integrated Heart Health Solutions Based on Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence (AI)

By : Dede Farhan Aulawi

Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world, with a total of approximately 274 million people. Of the total population in Indonesia, 2.7 million people in Indonesia suffer from heart disease (Riskesdas, 2018). WHO data in 2015 states that 70% of deaths in the world are caused by Non-Communicable Diseases, in which 45% of deaths from these data were generated by heart and blood vessel disease (17.7 million of 39.5 million deaths). They were followed by trends that tend to increase, especially accompanied by problems of life, social, economic, environmental, and politics that are increasingly complex. With the vision of Indonesia’s demographic bonus in 2025, of course, heart health care facilities for the people of Indonesia in various strata are essential.

“Jantungku” application is here to provide solutions from upstream to downstream for heart health problems. Various features with many benefits are embedded in the app, so that users can access heart health services only from their smartphone. Users no longer have to bother carrying various kinds of files or documents during a visit to the hospital for control or treatment, because the medical record feature in the application allows users of Jantungku to be able to store their health data. All of Jantungku’s health data is stored in blockchain technology which is the competitive advantage of Jantungku so that users don’t have to worry about their data being lost or accessed by others without the user’s permission. In addition to that, users don’t need to have difficulty getting access to the nearest heart health facility. With the heart emergency feature connected to Google Maps, users can register themselves easily to the nearest heart health facility from the user’s current location.

However, the current condition of Indonesia, which implements PSBB (Large Scale Social Restriction) due to COVID-19 certainly makes heart disease sufferers hardly to consult with their cardiologist. Since it’s perilous if the patient is travelling outside from home, which could make the patient affected by the coronavirus and could have a more severe impact due to a history of suffering from heart disease.

Therefore, near in the future, Jantungku will release a consultation feature with a heart specialist at the nearest health facility. Other features such as control schedule reminders, medication schedule, heart disease prevention guidelines and healthy living, and other features will make it easy for Jantungku users to be more active, efficient, and complete heart health services. Besides, Jantungku is not only trying to provide services to sufferers of heart disease, but also prevention efforts that can be done by individuals. Through Jantungku, individuals can calculate the percentage of their likelihood of developing heart disease with the health calculator feature, so that the individual can prevent the occurrence of heart disease and start or continue healthy living habits.

Jantungku application comes as an integrated upstream to downstream cardiovascular health service solution that can be accessed anytime and anywhere followed by planning other digital ecosystems that can one day support the growth and development of applications, with teams from different areas of expertise and also owned by experienced cardiologists, hoping that Indonesian people can access heart health services that are easy, complete, safe, effective and efficient.

Jantungku application which is an e-Health product from PT. Sehat Utama Global, located in Bandung Heart Clinic Jl. Buah Batu No.211, Turangga, Bandung City, West Java can already be utilized through the website www.jantungku.id or can be downloaded via Playstore.
Contact Person of Jantungku : 08119192232 (Ical)

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